Chef Space’s phone system is currently down due to a power surge. While we work to restore our phones, please contact us here.

Business training, technical assistance, and access to capital for food entrepreneurs
Work with other food entrepreneurs, and connect with owners, retailers, distributors, and industry leaders

What is Chef Space?
Chef Space is a food business accelerator located in Louisville’s West End that provides commercial kitchen space and business training for entrepreneurs to start food‐related ventures.
Our Mission
Creating food businesses in West Louisville.
Since 2015, Chef Space has been the only place in Louisville to start and grow your food business. We provide the tools you need - from getting started to launching your own brick and mortar location. With industrial equipment, production workspace and tailored support, Chef Space has everything you need to get started.
November 2015
150+ Entrepreneurs Started Food-Related Ventures
450 Part-Time and Full-Time Jobs Created
25 Businesses Graduated to Louisville Brick and Mortars

How We Can Serve You
Starting Out
For those with a great idea or concept, or those in the early stages of starting a food business
To Launch
For those with an established food business, looking to move to the next level
Kitchen Space
For those that just need to rent kitchen space for food preparation, storage, etc., at an affordable rate
Chef Space was created by Community Ventures. Visit CVKY.org to learn more!

Whether you're a budding pro whose been growing your business for years, or a beginner whose ready to embark on your dream - Chef Space has a track that can help you. Click the icons below to explore the track that best describes you.